The Nominating Committee of the Organic Division of the CSC is looking for three new executive members with positions beginning January 1, 2022.
Secretary The Division Secretary shall attend all Division meetings and record the minutes of such meetings. The Division Secretary shall also be responsible for delivering all notices and correspondence to Division members and the Society and keeping all of the books, paper, records and other documents of the Division. The Division Secretary shall be expected to stand for election as Division Treasurer/Program Chair in the subsequent year. This position normally leads into the subsequent positions of Treasurer, Vice-Chair, Chair and Past Chair and is expected to be a five-year commitment.
Members-at-large Two positions. The Members-at-large will be elected at the Annual General Meeting and will serve a three (3) year term beginning January 1 of the following year. The terms of the Members-at-large will be staggered to provide continuity. One of the Members-at-large shall be a representative from industry. As we are appointing both members in the same year, we will have the industry representative appointed for a three-year term, renewable for a second three-year term. The non-industry member will be appointed for a two-year term, renewable for a three-year term to ensure that the members are staggered and allow for continuity.
Nominations should include a short justification letter (250 words maximum), a brief biography, and a resume/CV. The Organic Division is dedicated to diversity and inclusion and seeks to represent all of the Division membership. In the process, we will attempt to balance geographic representation, and membership demographics (including career stage, under-represented, and equity-seeking groups). The Committee strongly encourages nominations from/for all members including those who identify as women, 2SLGBTQ+, and BIPOC.
Please submit your interest to serve by December 6, 2021, to Christine Gottardo: