The Canadian Society for Chemistry Organic Division notes with profound sadness the untimely passing of Professor Victor Snieckus of Queens University. Vic was a towering figure in the field of organic chemistry, publishing nearly 300 scientific publications, delivering over 400 invited presentations around the world, and collecting many accolades. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and Bader Chair Emeritus, he also held a Humboldt Research Award, a Killam Research Fellowship, and was named an ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar. He won all three of the major CSC awards in organic chemistry (Alfred Bader Award, R. U. Lemieux Award, Bernard Belleau Award). He served the scientific community through his editorial roles at the Canadian Journal of Chemistry and Synlett, and was on many other editorial boards. He was a longtime Councilor in the Organic Division of the ACS, and served on the CSC Organic Division Executive since 1989.

In addition to his many spectacular achievements and his valued contributions to the chemical research enterprise, Vic will also be remembered as a cherished friend and loyal supporter of Canadian science. He never hesitated to reach out to new Canadian faculty, and was a tireless promoter of many of his younger colleagues. Throughout his career, he has trained countless students and postdoctoral fellows who carry on his legacy in industry and academia. Vic's loss will be keenly felt by all of us for years to come.